This painting captures a defining moment from my groundbreaking federal Title IX case that challenged girls' wrestling rights in Pennsylvania middle schools - a ruling that would impact female athletes nationwide. From my seat in the witness stand, I've painted my view of my attorney as she questioned me, advocating for not just my right to wrestle, but for girls across America.

The warm amber courtroom walls frame this intense moment of testimony, with my lawyer's silver-haired figure in navy standing before me. I've painted myself in royal blue, facing the questions that would help establish legal precedent for gender equality in wrestling nationwide. This role reversal - where I, the artist, am also the subject seated in the witness box - adds a unique layer of perspective to this historical moment.

Through minimalist style and emotional color choices, I've captured the weight of being a young athlete testifying in federal court. This piece is more than a courtroom scene - it's my personal testimony to the courage it takes to speak up for change, preserving the moment that helped pave the way for women's wrestling rights in American schools from coast to coast.

Part of my "UNPINNED" memoir collection, launching March 2025

Size: 11" x 14"

Medium: Acrylic on canvas Year: 2025


Lemos Wedding Painting


Doug Navy Portrait